c Motapa | Motapa kam karne ka tarika
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Motapa kam karne ka tarika

موٹاپا کا علاج

نسخہ نمبر38


کمر کی چربی اور پھیلاؤ کو درستگی ملتی ہے جو لوگ وزن کی ذیادتی سے پریشان ہیں

ان کو استمعال کریں جسم میں چستی اور توانای پیدا ھو گی, سردرد

پٹھوں کو کھنچاو رہنا, غذا کا ہضم نہ ھونا چہرے پر کیل چھایاں آنکھوں کے گرد

.سیاہ ہلکے پڑنا خرابی خون خارش وغیرہ ان سب امراضِ کا خاتمہ ھو جائے گا

اجزائے ترکیبی

اجوائن دیسی دس تولہ. لاکھ دانہ پانچ تولہ. مصبرسیاہ دس تولہ. افسنتین رومی پانچ تولہ

گل کنیر سفید پانچ تولہ. نوشادر پانچ تولہ. قلمی شورہ پانچ تولہ. فلفل سیاہ پانچ تولہ

مصطگی رومی 50 گرام,تیزپات پانچ تولہ. کلونجی دوتولہ. سنامکی پانچ تولہ

آب لیموں ا کلو. آب کوار گندل ادھ کلو

:تیار نسخہ کی قیمت

فی گولی 1250 کم از کم خرید

کل 100 گولیاں = 1250

مکمل کورس 200 گولیاں = 2500

Motapay Ka Ilaj

Motapa (Weight loss) has been the concern for many, and has been the cause of depression for others; whatever your weight is you sure want to stay fit and healthy and maintaining the right weight that requires some routine.

Although by using herbal medicines you will be able to bring your weight to your desired number, it is really fascinating  to see what these herbal medicines can do, Once you get the right mix of the herbal medicines together, they work really amazing, nature has really blessed us with various remedies for various challenges we face within our health through some traditional herbal products, and many of these herbal products in many cases has proven to be much more efficient even better than the expensive medicines that would as well be having side effects. In this case, you may get some beneficent herbal products from hakeem online without any side effect. Herbal remedies are purely made by natural herbs by our hakeem.


Long Term use of this heath product will stimulate the process of weight loss ( Motapay ka Ilaj). Some other benefits of this herbal remedy are also discussed below:

         The body will produce agility and energy.

         Treat the headache and muscle cramp

         Improves the digestion system

         Removes dark Spots around the eyes

Side Effects:

This remedy is purely prepared by using herbs so this has no side effects. Only keep out this product from the reach of children. The use should be limited during pregnancy and lactation. In case of any problem, it is advised to consult your physicion.



High quality

We provide high quality of herbal medicine wihout any side effect

Fast Delivery

We deliver your order within 24 hours in every area of Pakistan

24/7 support

We provide 24 Hours support call center for our cilents

No Return

Once your placed your order and shipping will not be cancel